Primitive reflexes
About primitive reflexes
What are primitive reflexes?
Why are primitive reflexes important for the psychomotor development of children?
Can Primitive Reflex Integration help my child?
How does Primitive Reflex Integration help the children with cerebral palsy, ADHD, dyslexia and autism|
Bloomberg RMT
Bloomberg rhythmic movements have the identical effect on the brain as spontaneous rhythmic movements of an infant
Quantum reflex integration
Reflex integration using low intensity laser stimulation
The Masgutova Method®
Masgutova, MNRI, Tactile intelligence, Archytype Movements

About primitive reflexes
Have you ever noticed that your child startles due to a sudden noise, light, skin stimulation, a sudden change of position? Have you ever seen your child’s body stiffen while he/she is lying on the back and you move away from him?

Quantum reflex integration
Quantum reflex integration is a powerful combination of low frequency laser, sound frequency and reflex integration techniques, with the aim of "restarting" the central nervous system and achieving quick and visible results in the patient.

Masgutova method
Archetype movements,
Tactile integration,
Neurostructural integration,
Integration of manual reflexes,
Myofascial integration,
MNRI method